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Release The Shutter: personal triumphs and turmoil


Young man with ADHD chasing a dream to be the #1 photographer in the world.....The beginning, an introduction to me

The Beginning

When I was growing up I had a very hard time fitting in. I couldn’t sit still very long,

struggled to make lasting friendships, had a very short attention span and was quick to anger,as well as a propensity to cry quite often. People weren't very fond of me, and I can understand why. I tended to say and do whatever I wanted with no regard for others. This way of life left me confused, lonely and hurt, and eventually lead to a problem with addiction to alcohol and marijuana. For much of my 20’s I spent my time binge drinking heavily and smoking weed from sun up to sun down. It was only when I was diagnosed with ADHD that I discovered that my struggle to connect, focus, adapt socially, as well as my penchant for numbing these things with substances is quite a typical occurrence of people who struggle with this mental health disorder.

I was in Whistler B.C snowboarding when I was introduced to my true calling. I had the

thought in my head at this time of wanting to be a pro snowboarder, but with no plan and no desire to make one, mixed with my bad attitude, I was doomed to fail. I did ride, a lot, over 800 days in my 8 seasons on some of the best mountains the world has to offer. Even with all this time riding it wasn’t meant to be, as I got injured countless times including breaking my ankle many times which had to be surgically repaired. I also injured my shoulder quite severely, which led to some of the worst depression I’ve ever experienced. A friend, Sean G. asked me to come shoot some photos with him while I was in my sling. I was slightly hesitant, but decided to try it. I got to be on my board again which was so exciting, but little did I know that day would be the start of a new life for me, a life where instead of feeling angry and pessimistic, I could feel happy and optimistic. Looking through a viewfinder that day, I saw a chance to do something productive and creative. Photography allowed me an outlet for my raw, boundless energy. It helped me become centered, and to remember moments long into the future. It allowed me to calm down, slow down, be kind and thoughtful, happy and helpful. These were all things that my ADHD had led me to struggle with. I’d found a solution, a remedy – a purpose. Even though photography is my lifes calling and brings me great joy, it has also brought up a lot of fears and doubts. Will I be able to accomplish what I have set out to do? By asking myself this question every day, I’ve found the courage and determination to learn more about what I need to do to actually succeed, first as a photographer, and eventually as an entrepreneur and philanthropist.

I have discovered confidence in myself these last 4 years and been lucky enough to find

my purpose in life: to capture beautiful images of the world and its people. I have been learning about business, writing, my mental health and that I was an addict. All these things have led me to a desire to use my time here to teach and help as many people as possible who may also have similar struggles. I have started this blog to share with you my knowledge, my hardships, my future plans, my failures and my triumphs. This will be a blog largely based on automotive photography and the impact it has had and continues to have on me. Stay tuned for a new post every Monday to find out more.

I want to thank my amazing, beautiful girlfriend Alison for all her help, support,

kindness and patience, as well as for editing my blog and everything she does for the people around her. She is my hero.

Your friend, in happiness,


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